Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Century 1950

The Century 1950

Returning from Korea

Statement "Don't get involved if North Korea attacks South
Korea"....they attack.

Eisenhower campaigned that Aneroca would win on the Korean War.

54th ladder

Eisenhower (Republican) was relaxed.

97% of all men were married by age 18.

The beging of track housing.

There were many couples.

It was an open neighborhood.

The begining of outdoor malls.

The TV tube.

Most shows were filmed live.

The shows were not very good.

In 1950 75% of Americans had a tube,

Band Stand was a dancing show that Elvis sang on and Bunny Gibson
danced on.

Ed Sullivan considered Elvis to be "Down and Vulgar". He thm booked
Elvis for his show in the Ed Sullivan Theatre. Modern day David

1945 Rosa Parks staged the Birmingham bus boycot.

Her pastor Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged this among the community.

381 days later on November 13, 1956 the city ended the bus segregation.

Central High, Little Rock, Arkansas
Elizabeth Etfors
Anne Thompson

21st Airborn sent from Georgia to escort 9 blacks into the school. The
group was sent by Eisenhower.

1956 Federal Highway System

All of the bridges were built at least 15 feet high so they could
carry nuclear missles.

Over 300 above bombs were dropped.

The San Diego test flips over a battleship.

October 4, 1957
The Russians beat America into space with the Sputnic. It can
physically be seen in the sky as the ultrasonic beep can be heard from

July 25, 1959
The America. Convention in Russia (Soviet)

Nixon mentions that they have better rocket thrusters but America has
color tv and decidees to invite the Russian leader to America.

For the first time, Americas realizes television had a bad side.

Sent from my iPhone

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