Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pearl Harbor

When Pearl Harbor was hit from above, Americans were shocked. While attack in the Phillipines was somewhat anticipated, the fact that we were hit in Hawaii came much of a surprise to many people. The reason being that nobody was expecting to be hit in an area that ultimately was not of any real use to Japan as far as in use for the war with China.

Japan had at the time been at war with China. Due to the length of this war, both Japan and China were getting low on certain supplies. In particular for Japan, the need of oil and fuel. Nobody would have such an unnecessary attack so to say. The attack at Pearl Harbor, was not for other purposes than to harm Americans.

"Sixty years after Japanese bombers sank the U.S.S. the silent wreck still sheds fuel oil, drop by drop, over the memories of a hellish Hawaiian morning."

While the USS Arizona was loaded with men, the attack was a complete devastation. If the crew had been on watch, there most likely would have been a better survival rate, but due to the unexpected visit, the sailors would be at a very low vantage point to show any sign of defense.
"Medics wearing gas masks against nausea gathered only 229 Arizona dead from the waters before the Navy reluctantly decided to leave the rest untouched." (Unknown)

Hoyt, Edwin Palmer. Pearl Harbor. G.K. Hall. 2000

Prange, Gordon W.. December 7, 1941: The Day the Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor. Warner Books. 1989

Wohlstetter, Roberta. Pearl Harbor. Stanford University Press. 1962

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