Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Century 1960

The Century 1960
Simply sitting down at the counter made an activist stand for the
Greenboro stand.

In the early 1960's most activist were young.

The cold war last from 1945-1989.

Nixon and Kenedey pushes for anti-comunism. Nixon seems to work harder.

In 1960 the first ever Presidential debate is held between Kenedy and
Nexon. It is produced by Don Juett of 60 minutes, and brodcasted on tv.

Nixon was the first President to appeae on tv for Bay of Pigs invasion.

In 1960 the Soviet built the Berlin wall.

October 13, 1962 Kenedy gives a speech on how low the minimum wage
income is. At the same time America begins the 13 days of the Cuban
Missle Crisis. The President the decides to blockade Cuba.

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The Century 1960 (2)

George Wallace:
Segtegstion now, segregation later, segregation forever.

Bull Conner was running the law enforcement in Birmingham

Bull was notorious for using firehouse and dogs on people.


Vietcong were considered insurgents

President Diem (Catholic) allowed his people to set themselves on fire.

The President and his family were  assassinated without any replacement.

Ford teaches driving courses in Vietnam to prevent accidents by future Ford owners.

In 1963 Kenedy and Kruschaw decided to stop testing nuclear weapons above ground.

1964 fair was the premier of the mustang....famous globe

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