Sunday, December 16, 2007

Stability In Iraq

I find it interesting that those who once criticized Bush are now saying that the effort which he has made is actually working. I would say that in any way this shows how it is worth while to see the final or at least close to final effect before criticizing the plan behind that effect. Does this mean that time is a measure of success? I would say not, but I would say that success should not be judged by those who are not in any way in the right position to be judging the actions of the President.

I would not go as far as saying that the opinions of the country should be silenced, but I do say lets at least let what supposable was "An non-effective Strategy" finish so we can say it is bad rather than having to second guess ourselves later after we have changed strategies to the supposable "better strategy", and are now looking back wondering if we the original "bad strategy" might have worked. As seen in this situation, things do seem to have worked out after all. As for the country it would have been a possible regret had we changed our minds halfway through. Let’s fall strong, rather than second guessing ourselves and falling without any idea as to what exactly went wrong.

Another concern which by the looks of this article seem to have been address is the problem of us trying to see where everybody else on the battlefield is when we to are infantryman, and not able to get an aerial view of the battle plan. It is impossible to see the complete idea of the event when we are in the middle of it.

To the credibility of the President, I would say that indeed he is trustworthy and has the best view of what is happening over any of us. It is interesting how to think what we as individuals might actually do if we were in his position. Sure we say that we would make way better choices, but I give the President credibility as he too is part of the show and may or may not know exactly what is coming but is going to the best of his extent figure out what the rest of the script is before the play ends. As seen from the article, he has guessed right, and gained the trust of his nation, or at least from what it looks like...

Stability in Iraq: A War We Just Might Win

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