The first necessary thing to do was to create an actual treaty. Later this would come to be know as "The Treaty of Versailles". Held at Versailles on June 28, 1919, this new contract would include 450 articles that would force Germany to take the blame for the start of the war (or to continue the war with the large possibility of occupation) and ultimately begin the creation of the "League of Nations". Though the United States did not oficially join the League of Nations at this time, they did highly support this idea. Instead the United States made a private treaty with Germany in 1921.
Along with the new treaties, there was not only the need for social and physical reconstruction, but also economical reconstruction. Europe had experienced drastic changes that would for the most part, ultimately be the reason as to why the borders are where they are today. Most countries experienced a total change in government, but not all wer happy about those changes, nor did all of them get changes that would be potentially good for the country.
The decisions made by the winning leaders who developed the stipulations of the treaty were meant to treat Germany harshly. The Nazi Party came to power in Germany by democratic means, although after acquiring power they eliminated most vestiges of Germany's democratic system. The reason for their popularity included their renouncement of the Treaty of Versailles (particularly Article 231. know as the "Guilt Clause"), which had placed many restrictions on Germany after the end of WW1; staunch anti-Communusm adn promises of stability and economic reconstruction.(King)
Although the war had ended, most countries would still be in termoil as they economical had experienced such a change that it was lost, while other coutries and territories were now under new control and authority. One of the biggest changes was that of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russia. This loss of power would forever change these countries and create an economic failure for many of the countries as to which the empires would later be broken up into. For many of these new formed countries, their economy would now be very dependant on what they themselves as a country had available to them as far as resources.
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