Sunday, May 6, 2007

Elizabeth 1

Queen Elizabeth 1 was quite an unusably queen. She did not control 1 but 3 countries. Though she only had power over England and Ireland, she at any time could have made an influence to the French. Elizabeth entered her queen ship of England after it had gone through a dramatic change to Catholicism from Protestantism. Ironically this change started by Elizabeth's half sister, who was very well know to be the persecutor of Catholicism (and given a title of Blood Mary), which Elizabeth supported.(the title of "Bloody Mary" was given to Mary after construction, completion, and use of the Tower of London as an executional building. Not only in religion did Elizabeth and Mary have problems, but also in questions such as who should take the throne did they have problems. One of the largest problems faced by Elizabeth in fact was this. After Anne Boleyn's execution, Elizabeth had no connection to the royal family due tot the fact that her father Henry VIII had re-married to Catherine of Aragon (the youngest surviving child of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain). (Mackenzie)

Looked at by other followers of the short lived Queen Mary, Elizabeth faced many problems.

"Although the last fifteen years of Elizabeth's reign were darkened by political misfortunes, they were also backlit by the artistic glories of the age of Sidney, Spenser, Marlowe and Shakespeare, by the navigational achievements of Drake and Hawkins, and by the establishment of the first colony in Virginia, named after her. This period had begun with the repulsion of the Spanish Armada, which secured Elizabeth's authority as a Protestant monarch; it ended with the melancholy of old age and the increasing cynicism of a Court that had grown stale. Yet Elizabeth contrived some of her greatest speeches in the autumn of her reign and continued to survive, as she had all her life, the continual challenges of those who had a claim to the throne." (Wikipedia)

Elizebth suvied smallpox, and was healthy until 1602 when she lost a series of friends and ultimately died of depression. (Strachey)

Mackenzie, J. Gregory. England versus Spain. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 1588.

Morpugro, J. E.Life Under the Tudors. 1950. Falcon Educational Books.

Strachey. Lytton. 4, August. 2005. 6, May. 2006

Wikipedia. 6, May. 2007. 6, May. 2007

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