Sunday, April 15, 2007


During 1517 there was a lot of change going on all around the world, especially between Europe and Africa. Europe was at the beginning of the reformation in the Catholic Church. Egypt's Mameluke Dynasty was coming to an end as the Ottoman Turks began to invade and prepare for their 400 year occupation of a new empire. Due to this Jerusalem especially, is facing problems in their church due to disputes between the Catholic and Greek Orthodox Church about who should have custody over the Basilica. Along with that, Egypt is building up to the peak of its Golden Empire; Ahmose is now dead, and Egypt is looking at the face of Amenhotep I. Spain is strongly influenced by the reformation started by Martin Luther.

"Plutarch's works were introduced to Italy by Byzantine scholars along with the revival of classical learning in the 15th century, and Italian humanists had already translated them into Latin and Italian before 1509, when the Moralia, the first of his works to be printed in the original Greek, appeared at Venice published by the celebrated Aldine Press. The first original Greek text of The Lives was printed at Florence in 1517 and by the Aldine Press in 1519." (Crystalinks)

Book Sources

Colvin, Auckland. The Making of Modern Egypt. Seely. 1906

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